Dev Adapters

Getting Started with Adapters

Sample code snippets to help you get started consuming data feeds from Allora

Adapter contracts are essential for bringing Allora Network prices on-chain. You can find the code repository containing the contracts here (opens in a new tab).

Consuming Data Feeds from Allora

Below is an example of requesting a price from Allora. This example code can be found here (opens in a new tab).

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

import { IAlloraAdapter, Topic, TopicView, TopicValue, AlloraAdapterNumericData } from '../interface/IAlloraAdapter.sol';
import { Ownable2Step } from "../../lib/openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/access/Ownable2Step.sol";
import { EnumerableSet } from "../../lib/openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/utils/structs/EnumerableSet.sol";

 * @title AlloraAdapterBringPredictionOnChainExample
 * @notice Example contract for using the Allora adapter by bringing predictions on-chain
contract AlloraAdapterBringPredictionOnChainExample is Ownable2Step {

    // Sepolia adapter Address
    IAlloraAdapter public alloraAdapter = IAlloraAdapter(0x4341a3F0a350C2428184a727BAb86e16D4ba7018);

    // ***************************************************************
    // * ================== USER INTERFACE ========================= *
    // ***************************************************************

     * @notice Example for calling a protocol function with using an index value already stored on the
     *   Allora Adapter, only if the value is not stale
     * @param protocolFunctionArgument An argument for the protocol function
     * @param topicId The id of the topic to use the most recent stored value for
    function callProtocolFunctionWithExistingValue(
        uint256 protocolFunctionArgument,
        uint256 topicId
    ) external payable {
        TopicValue memory topicValue = IAlloraAdapter(0x4341a3F0a350C2428184a727BAb86e16D4ba7018).getTopicValue(topicId, '');

        if (topicValue.recentValueTime + 1 hours < block.timestamp) {
            revert('AlloraAdapterBringPredictionOnChainExample: stale value');

        _protocolFunctionRequiringPredictionValue(protocolFunctionArgument, topicValue.recentValue);

     * @notice Example for calling a protocol function with a prediction value from the Allora Adapter
     * @param protocolFunctionArgument An argument for the protocol function
     * @param alloraAdapterData The signed data from the Allora Adapter
    function callProtocolFunctionWithAlloraAdapterPredictionValue(
        uint256 protocolFunctionArgument,
        AlloraAdapterNumericData calldata alloraAdapterData
    ) external payable {
        (uint256 value,,,) = IAlloraAdapter(0x4341a3F0a350C2428184a727BAb86e16D4ba7018).verifyData(alloraAdapterData);

        _protocolFunctionRequiringPredictionValue(protocolFunctionArgument, value);

    function _protocolFunctionRequiringPredictionValue(uint256 protocolFunctionArgument, uint256 value) internal {
        // use arguments and value 

    // ***************************************************************
    // * ========================= ADMIN =========================== *
    // ***************************************************************

     * @notice Set the AlloraAdapter contract address
     * @param alloraAdapter_ The AlloraAdapter contract address
    function setAlloraAdapterContract(IAlloraAdapter alloraAdapter_) external onlyOwner {
        alloraAdapter = alloraAdapter_;