Allora Compute Node

Upshot Compute Node


At the moment, to download the latest version of Allora Blockless Extension, the Github CLI is used.
Ensure it is installed and running correctly on your machine.

Building Allora Compute Node Docker image

To ease setup and testing stuff, you can build a Docker image based on the Allora compute node Dockerfiles (opens in a new tab).

Clone the Allora Compute node repository (opens in a new tab) and, while at the repo root, run:

$ docker build --build-arg GH_TOKEN=<GITHUB_TOKEN> --build-arg BLS_EXTENSION_VER=${BLS_ALLORA_EXTENSION_VERSION}  -t allora-compute-node -f ./docker/Dockerfile .

where YOUR_GH_TOKEN is your Github token, and (optionally)BLS_EXTENSION_VER is the release version of the Allora blockless extension to use (it will use latest if not set).

NOTE: The above part can be changed when the repository is public.