Using Adapter Price Data

Using Price Index Data

You can follow these instructions to view the most recent price data brought on-chain for a given price index.

Complete Example:

     * @notice Example for calling a protocol function with using an inedex value already stored on the
     *   Allora Adapter, only if the value is not stale
     * @param protocolFunctionArgument An argument for the protocol function
     * @param topicId The id of the topic to use the most recent stored value for
    function callProtocolFunctionWithExistingIndexValue(
        uint256 protocolFunctionArgument,
        uint256 topicId
    ) external payable {
        TopicValue memory topicValue = IAlloraAdapter(0xBEd9F9B7509288fCfe4d49F761C625C832e6264A).getTopicValue(topicId, '');

        if (topicValue.recentValueTime + 1 hours < block.timestamp) {
            revert('AlloraAdapterBringPredictionOnChainExample: stale value');

        _protocolFunctionRequiringPredictionValue(protocolFunctionArgument, topicValue.recentValue);

    function _protocolFunctionRequiringPredictionValue(uint256 protocolFunctionArgument, uint256 value) internal {
        // use arguments and value 

Step by Step Guide:

  1. Call the getTopicValue(uint256 topicId, bytes extraData) function with the correct topicId on the Adapter contract for your desired chain. You can provide '' for extraData in solidity, or '0x' for extraData in typescript. The list of deployed contracts and topicIds can be found under deployments.
  2. Access the recentValue attribute.
  3. Optional: check the unix-timestamp under the recentValueTime attribute to see how recently the value was updated.

Using Typescript

  const alloraAdapter = (new AlloraAdapter__factory()).attach(sepoliaAddresses.AlloraAdapter).connect(wallet) as AlloraAdapter
  const result = await alloraAdapter.getTopicValue(TARGET_TOPIC_ID, '0x'){
    value: result.config.recentValue,
    timestamp: result.config.recentValueTime,

IAlloraAdapter interface

 * @title Allora Adapter Interface
interface IAlloraAdapter {

     * @notice Get a verified piece of numeric data for a given topic
     * @param nd The numeric data to aggregate
    function verifyData(AlloraAdapterNumericData memory nd) external returns (
        uint256 numericValue, 
        address dataProvider 

     * @notice Get a verified piece of numeric data for a given topic without mutating state
     * @param pd The numeric data to aggregate
    function verifyDataViewOnly(AlloraAdapterNumericData calldata pd) external view returns (
        uint256 numericValue, 
        address dataProvider 

     * @notice Get the topic data for a given topicId
     * @param topicId The topicId to get the topic data for
     * @param extraData The extraData to get the topic data for
     * @return topicValue The topic data
    function getTopicValue(uint256 topicId, bytes calldata extraData) external view returns (TopicValue memory);

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